10 research outputs found

    The matrix auction : a mechanism for the market-based coordination of enterprise networks

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    We argue that a network of shipping companies, that cooperatively executes transportation tasks, can be viewed as a special instance of a virtual enterprise. We propose the matrix auction as an efficient, incentive compatible allocation mechanism for virtual transportation enterprises. The implementation of the matrix auction in a multi-agent fleet scheduling system is described, and we were able to observe a significant improvement of the task allocation.In diesem Beitrag wird ein Ansatz vorgestellt, die Matrix Auktion, einen effizienten, anreizkompatiblen Allokationsmechanismus, als Koordinationswerkzeug für einen Speditionsverbund einzusetzen. Einen Verbund von Speditionen, die ihre Transportressourcen bündeln, um gemeinsam kooperative Transportdienstleistungen zu erbringen, bezeichnen wir als ein Virtuelles Transportunternehmen. Wir beschreiben eine Implementierung der Matrix Auktion im Rahmen eines Multiagentensystems zum Flottenmanagement, die es ermöglicht, die Auftragsallokation signifikant zu verbessern

    Holonic multi-agent systems

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    A holonic multi-agent paradigm is proposed, where agents give up parts of their autonomy and merge into a super-agent"(a holon), that acts - when seen from the outside - just as a single agent again. We explore the spectrum of this new paradigm, ranging from definitorial issues over classification of possible application domains, an algebraic characterization of the merge operation, to implementational aspects: We propose algorithms for holon formation and on-line re-configuration. Based on some general criteria for the distinction between holonic and non-holonic domains, we examine domains suitable for holonic agents and sketch the implementation of holonic agents in these scenarios. Finally, a case study of a holonic agent system is presented in detail: TELETRUCK system is a fleet management system in the transportation domain

    TeleTruck : a holonic fleet management system

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    In this paper we describe TeleTruck, a multiagent dispatching system that was developed in close cooperation with a forwarding company and that is capable of handling real-world requirements like dynamics and uncertainty. The main idea underlying the TeleTruck approach is the usage of holonic agents, i.e. agents composed of subagents that act in a corporated way. We describe the implementation in detail and point out the advantages of the holonic paradigm

    An intercompany dispatch support system for intermodal transport chains

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    A critical problem in an intermodal transport chain is the direct meet at the transhipment nodes. This requires information technology and modern communication facilities as well as much closer collaboration between all the concerned transport operators in the chain. The TELETRUCK system - currently under development at the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz DFKI GmbH) - is a dispatch support system that tackles those problems. Intercompany planning, scheduling, and monitoring of intermodal transport chains will be supported by our system. It aims at providing smooth access to railway time tables and rail-based transport services and - much more important - at allowing for the planning of both, exclusively road-based and combined journeys and showing their cost-effectiveness, where- and whenever possible. We will describe our approach - based on intelligent agent technology - both the current state of implementation and our goal of the very next future

    Simulated Trading Mechanismen für speditionsübergreifende Transportplanung

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    In den letzten Jahren hat sich der Konkurrenzdruck, unter dem die kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen der deutschen Speditionsbranche stehen, maßgeblich verschärft. Eine Möglichkeit, diesem Druck zu begegnen, ist die Bildung von Speditionsverbünden, sozusagen virtuellen Transportunternehmen, die in der Lage sind, durch kooperative Disposition, ihre Wettbewerbsfähigkeit zu erhöhen. In diesem Papier stellen wir einen Agentenbasierten Ansatz zur IT Unterstützung der Unternehmensabläufe, insbesondere der Transportoptimierung, in einem solchen virtuellen Transportunternehmen vor. Der verteilte, marktbasierte Simulated Trading Optimierungsmechanismus liefert gute Ergebnisse in kooperativen Multiagenten-Planungsszenarien. Wir haben den Mechanismus um die Möglichkeit des expliziten, monetären Nutzentransfers zwischen den Beteiligten Agenten ergänzt. Somit können wir auch in kompetitiven Domänen effiziente Transportoptimierung vornehmen.Within the past few years the pressure of competition, to which the small and medium sized enterprises of the European transportation industry are exposed, sharpened significantly. One opportunity to withstand this pressure is to form cooperative networks of transportation companies. These kinds of virtual transportation enterprises are able to improve their competitiveness by co-operative transportation planning. In this paper we present an agent-based approach for the IT support of business processes in virtual transportation enterprises. We mainly focus on co-operative optimization of transportation planning. The distributed, market-based Simulated Trading algorithm is well suited in co-operative multi-agent planning domains. We have extended the mechanism with explicit monetary utility transfer between the participating agents. This allow to apply the Simulated Trading mechanism in competitive transportation scenarios in order to improve the planning efficiency

    An empirical evaluation on the suitability of market-based mechanisms for telematics applications

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    In this paper, we compare the suitability of several market-based allocation mechanisms, the Vickrey auction, the matrix auction for multiple heterogeneous items and the simulated trading algorithm, using the allocation of transportation tasks to a fleet of trucks as an example domain. We distinguish three different organizational settings in which the set of vehicles, represented by autonomous agents, may be coordinated by the examined market-based mechanisms: in a cooperative setting, the truck agents are benevolent and try to reduce transportation cost on behalf of a central coordinator, i.e. an agent that represents the shipping company. In a competitive setting, the truck agents are self-interested and aim at optimizing their private surplus. In the hybrid setting a compromise between the conflicting goals, cost minimization and surplus maximization has to be found. We analyze the communication complexity of the mechanisms on a theoretical basis. We empirically examine their scalability and tractability by comparing their processing time and allocative efficiency for order sets of different size. Thereby, the allocative efficiency of the mechanisms is measured in terms of cost, surplus, and number of trucks. The results are rated from the point of view of the different organizational settings

    Decision theory and coordination in multiagent systems

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    The aim of this report is to provide an introduction to the theoretical foundations of rational decision making and to give an overview of how decision theory and game theory relate to the field of multiagent systems. We start with presenting the basic framework of classic decision and game theory as it was defined by von Neumann and Morgenstern and continue with explaining the approach of Rosenschein and Zlotkin to apply game theory to multiagent systems. Subsequently, we investigate the principles of coordination mechanism design from an economic point of view and present several auction-based allocation mechanisms. Finally, the transportation domain is introduced as an application example in order to show the importance of the presented concepts in real-world multiagent applications

    TeleTruck : a holonic fleet management system

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    In this paper we describe TeleTruck, a multiagent dispatching system that was developed in close cooperation with a forwarding company and that is capable of handling real-world requirements like dynamics and uncertainty. The main idea underlying the TeleTruck approach is the usage of holonic agents, i.e. agents composed of subagents that act in a corporated way. We describe the implementation in detail and point out the advantages of the holonic paradigm

    A multi-agent perspective on intermodal transport chains

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    Modern production and logistics methods, such as outsourcing, depot free production or just in time delivery require efficient transport systems. Inter-connecting different modes of transport, i.e. intermodality comprises the key to this efficiency. We model an intermodal transport chain and the flows of goods within it, using multi-agent technology. Each transport operator is represented by an active software agent, capable of planning, communicating, and co-operating with the other agents in the chain. Vehicles in transit are modelled as holonic agent societies, controlled by a distinguished agent. This agent can dynamically modify existing plans, even during execution time. Intermodal transport orders are planned and monitored by an intermodal planning competence, encapsulated in an intelligent agent. This agent negotiates with the transport operator agents in the chain in order to establish a joint transport and transhipment plan. In addition it monitors the execution of this plan as a mobile agent, migrating through the telecommunications network, as the respective cargo is moved in the physical world

    The Matrix Auction: A Mechanism for the Market-Based Coordination of Enterprise Networks

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    We argue that a network of shipping companies, that cooperatively executes transportation tasks, can be viewed as a special instance of a virtual enterprise. We propose the matrix auction as an efficient, incentive compatible allocation mechanism for virtual transportation enterprises. The implementation of the matrix auction in a multi-agent fleet scheduling system is described, and we were able to observe a significant improvement of the task allocation. 1 Introduction In this paper the problem of efficiently allocating transportation tasks in a network of cooperating shipping companies that are independent and self-interested is adressed from an economic point of view. In the highly competitive haulage business, small and medium sized shipping companies that operate locally are often forced to form temporary inter-regional alliances in order to bundle their resources and to establish competitive prices. The business process of a transportation task is often split into subtas..